Throughout my 13+ years working in fashion and retail, I have become increasingly aware of the damaging effects the industry I love is having on the world and the people living in it. At the beginning of 2020, I asked myself ‘how do we consume less, but better?’.
I believe the following are essentials in making fashion and consumer culture more ethical and environmentally sustainable.
Change the narrative
We are consuming at an unsustainable rate. The desire for ‘the new’ is cultivated by brands and media; causing a euphoria of excessive consumption. (Re)constructing consumer behaviour to adopt a ‘less is more’ mindset, along with an understanding of quality slows down consumption. This empowers the customer and relays a strong message to brands to produce less but better.
“Design Out” Waste and Pollution
The industry is awash with disposable practices. Even though some brands attempt to counter-balance their negative impact through initiatives such as carbon offsets (e.g. planting trees), the deeper challenge—and opportunity—is to "design out" waste and pollution. How we make products and how we market them needs a redesign. With a focus on transitioning to systems which are regenerative and use renewable energy sources, we can create a healthy and sustainable industry.
Make Materials Matter
With the rise of fast fashion and cheap overseas manufacturing, I believe that we have become disconnected from the materials we buy. Synthetics (plastics) have replaced natural fibres and consumers are not educated on the devastating environmental effects these materials are having. Seeing the craft and care in how more sustainable and natural materials are made, deepens the emotional connection consumers have with products. This results in a higher value and enduring attachment.
Empower Cultural Craftsmanship
Whether it’s wood-block printers in India, basket weavers in Uganda or traditional hand-looming from Chile, artisans have been teaching their children the crafts of their ancestors for generations. Choosing the hand-made over factory-made supports artisanal craftsmanship, sustains communities and preserves the cultural heritage behind them.
Illustrations hand drawn by me.
Collaboration. The Time is Now
The world is changing. 2020 has shown us we cannot wait. Brands have the power to use innovation, design and technological advancements to change the world for the better. What makes this even more powerful? Collaboration. Different industries coming together, sharing knowledge, data and resources empowers an opportunity to redesign our new future.
Think similarly? Let’s collaborate.